By Lauryn

Perhaps you are the same as me, and ever since you can remember there has been a dream in your heart that has been hard to put words to, and a stirring in your soul.
Well this, is a part of that.
A year or so ago a friend told me that she was making pass it on cards and colouring in pages for a chaplain to hand out at a women’s prison in our city.
I decided to join her in this, and started drawing scripture inspired colouring in pages for the women, and designing affirming and inspiring pass it on cards for them.

I’ve always been a fan of encouragement notes, letters, beautiful pictures and art work, and my passion for this grows with every creation.

I want those women in prison to look at these cards and know they are loved.

I want you to look at these cards and creations and know you are loved.

I want the people you share them with to feel all that love love love love too.

So let’s go spread some life, create some beauty and do everything with love!