
Tips to get you in the zone to create

Have you ever been in a creative space where it seemed like you were transcendent?
Like the words or art were just flowing, even though you weren’t really thinking about it?
There were no busy thoughts, just a steady quiet, paying attention to the flow, the next prompting of what the next sentence might be, or where the next brush stroke will land?
You could not explain your reasoning, why you chose those words or to draw it that way, but it works, it fits, it flows. You are in the zone.

On the other hand…
Have you ever felt like everything is clunky?
Your sentences don’t make sense, don’t flow, and it’s an effort to even write 100 words?
You keep rubbing out what you have drawn because it’s all wrong?
Something happens so you have to keep starting again, and again?
Or nothing happens and creating feels like scraping your nails down a chalk board?

I would say that the majority of the time I’m in the cringing at myself basket. Often my creating feels like I’m trying to play a violin with zero instructions.
However, I have had a couple of experiences of being in the zone this week!
Wow what a blessing, it was great! And so I got to wondering, how on earth can I repeat this?
What was so different about this week?
I came up with two thoughts, which I submit to you below.
Preparedness and Joy.

Firstly let’s talk about preparedness!
Having a set time and space to create, helps you prepare, and get in the zone.
Thinking about creating ahead of time, can help your brain work on it while it’s waiting to create.
For example, thinking about a topic, or a subject will also draw your attention to things that may be useful from the environment around you to help you prepare further.
How I work this in my life:
Thursday I have art class, so during my walks on that day I scan the ground for fallen leaves or flowers that I could paint or for anything unusual. Before I get to class I’m already looking at my subject, thinking about the colours and how I would like to tackle it, so when it comes time to go, I’m prepared, it’s easier to get into the zone because all that thinking has already been done!

When it comes to preparedness a lot can also be said for regular practice. I honestly only spend a couple of hours every fortnight on my art, but I have grown so much even with that small amount of consistency. Also practice really helps with the next point which is JOY!

On the day I am writing this, we have just performed our third and last concert on Jonah for the dance group that I am part of. This morning, driving to the production I was thinking, this is our last one, it’s our chance to have some fun, to chuck out all the fear and really go for it, because after this there are no do overs.
And then I went…I wish I had that attitude at Performance 1! I wish I had said…focus on the joy! You are nervous to get stuff right but you know you will dance better if you are having a great time. So chuck out those insecurities and have a blast! Let’s have no regrets!
I had put in the practice, I had put in the time and the work, but I was choosing to let the fear stay, rather than kicking it out!
Because with dancing (well for me anyway) I have to be very present with the music, and my balance and my body (in the flow) or my steps get all muddled and everything goes to pieces. I can’t think about what step is next, I’m not really thinking at all, because I’ve done the work, my body knows what to do, I just have to get into the flow, and being relaxed and joyful really helps!
Also it’s obvious, but being excited and full of joy about what you are creating, and why, and thinking about the pleasure your creation is going to bring someone, and the difference it might make in the world helps unblock those creative channels!

So I hope this gives you something to ponder, and helps you get in the zone!
Fight the good fight!
Happy Creating!