Art, blog, writing

How to finish? 5 tips to get it done.

What do I need to do in order to achieve this?

We ask ourselves a version of this question, every day.
“What do I need to do to get to work on time?”
“How am I going to get dinner ready and return this phone call?”

Most days, we do figure out what we need to do to get it done, and we make it happen!
Multiple times over
But why is it so hard to get the project done when it comes to creating?

I’m sorry but I do not have all the answers.
I’m still asking myself, “what do I need to do in order to get this book done?” (over and over again) but here are some thoughts which might help us both!

  1. Make a list.
    Make a list of achievement steps and break them down as far as you can.
    Include how much time you would like to allocate to that task.
    Things can suddenly seem much more achievable!
    For eg.
    Step 1: Write 43 extra scenes for the new characters.
    I allocate 15 mins each scene. So that is about 11 hours total
    If I decide to allocate an hour of each day to write four scenes. I could be done in 11 days!
  2. Make your project smaller. (at least to begin with)
    If you have never finished a creative project before, it’s far easier to start small and work your way up.
    For example if you want to write a novel-
    Start with a short, but complete story, then repeat, and gradually lengthen the stories as you go.
    Break the novel down into chapters and outline them, and write a chapter at a time.
  3. Get gathering.
    Working with others can give you an outside source of motivation, ideas, encouragement and also accountability. Choose your circle wisely and they will enrich your creativity and productivity immensely.
  4. Believe in yourself.
    Others already believe in you, probably more than you do. Take some encouragement out of their book. Repeat some affirmations to yourself, and act like you believe you will achieve it. If you believe that you can achieve the project in 11 days if you prioritise it, you will prioritise it.
  5. Ask yourself why?
    Why is this project so important? Is it feeding your curiosity, your ego, or is it serving a better purpose?
    Maybe you discover that the reason for the project isn’t as important as the space and freedom you will feel in your mind and heart if you let the project go instead. Yes there may be a bit of grief, but that shouldn’t be a weight if the why is not worth it.
    If you remember the why, this can also help you harness the motivation you had for beginning it and use it to help you complete it.

    I’m sure there are more great strategies out there, and please when you come across them, send them my way!

    Keep creating!

    Lauryn xo


5 ways to use Note cards

I have to confess, I’m obsessed with note cards, or pass it on cards.
There is something about those mini pictures and affirmations that just make me want to collect them and collect them all! They just fit into your palm so beautifully!

If there is anyone else out there who loves note cards then I hope this inspires you to use them in other ways.

If you aren’t currently obsessed with them, I hope this is a good introduction, and that when you are in the market for a new obsession, you will consider them.

As the note card/pass it on card name suggests they are great for passing to people as notes or with encouragements written on the back.
Anything from a ‘Welcome home’, to an ‘I am with you’, ‘I love you’, ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘thank you’.
Digital communication floods our lives, but how much more effective is a physical card in your hand with a sentence on the back to communicate care than reading that same sentence on messenger with an emoji , sticker or GIF?

Wow those around you by taking the time to write them something!

Since they are little mini works of art or verse, they are ideal to use to decorate.
Stick them in an interesting pattern on a boring wall that you need to bring a bit of life to, or stick them in a frame. Make them into magnets, or buy them as magnets and decorate your fridge.
Put the art in a place that you are likely to face vulnerable thoughts e.g. work and use them as mini boosts for your heart.
For example I have one art wall above my computer, for when things get discouraging, and my kitchen sink faces the back of my fridge…not a great sight for doing the dishes, and so I have one there to keep my gratitude high!

If you struggle to keep your spending or eating or something else in balance because of your emotions, then affirming pass it on cards are perfect to stick in your bag to focus on for when you need to calm down and breathe .
They slot easily in next to your credit card (for example ‘I have all that I need’) to remind you to ask yourself, do I really need this purchase?
Place a card of love near the food you are trying to medicate your emotions with, and take the card out and interact with it, instead of the chips or the chocolate.

I have all that I need

I wish I could take credit for this idea, but it was my friends’.
Use the cards to play games, like matching pairs, go fish or bingo. Choose cards that are bright and that the kids will love, and you can affirm them and yourself while you play!
Let your Light Shine, and JOY are good cards for this.

I call them ‘mini marks’ because they are mini and I like alliteration.
Note cards are the perfect bookmark size, and if you choose one like ‘SHHHH! I’m reading!’ they double as do not disturb signs.
I personally like ‘Rise! Be the hero of your own story!’ because I get annoyed when I have to put a book down. Seeing this card helps me to pause and remind myself why I’m alive, and to stop moaning in my head about not being able to read!

I hope this has given you a few different ideas on how to use note cards!
If you have any more, get in touch on social media and let me know!