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What is it day 4?

I’m surprised to say that even doing this for four days is making a difference to me.

In four days of showing up, I’ve learned quite a bit.

I’ve thought about problems in a new way, and solutions have come to problems I couldn’t even conceptualise. I am looking forward to seeing where we will be by the end of this month!

I’m trying to think about what other things I can challenge myself with.

Cleaning? Drinking 2L of water a day?
I already know I can read a novel a day for a month. I know I can write 1700 words a day for a month and end up with a 50000 word novel draft. I can draw a picture a day for 30 days. What is next?

Is there something that you need to overcome?

Maybe all you need is a bit of practice?

I know there is a challenge I’m following right now which is all about decluttering and ridding your house of something, one a day for 30 days. 

Maybe it’s not for you, but what if you did give a 30 day challenge a try? What if 30 days was all it took to solve that problem for you?

Art, Uncategorized


Just a little post to say hello, and show you some of the things I’ve been playing around with.
Everyone always says artists need to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE and so I’m trying to do that, and also experiment a little.
Sharing these pictures, I hope to encourage you in your journey of practising, in whatever you may be working on.
Also I hope to inspire you to do better, to be better, to practice more than me, to become a master!
You are capable of more than great!