
New Collaboration: Introducing the Coolicorns!

By Olivia Lambert

When I was nine, I would have thought you were out of your mind if you said I could design my own book and hold it in my hand.

So when my daughter wanted to make her own book, I said, “Let’s do it!”

Our process had many limitations in both our skills and knowledge, however the hard work was worth it. Now she has her first book (of what she hopes is many) and it is very exciting that she has the opportunity to begin so early.

This Coolicorn book is about a Unicorn/Coolicorn named Ella who is starting school. With the help of her guardian Fleur, her friends and her pet dog, she overcomes her first day nerves and learns the true power of friendship.

It is really wonderful to see kids writing for kids! There is a growing conversation about consulting kids (not just adults) about the things that concern or are relevant to them, and I hope that this is also coming to children’s books and fiction too.

Olivia originally wrote the first draft when she was much younger, for her little sister, who was scared about going to school. And a story about unicorns on their first day of school certainly helped calm those nerves.

Olivia wrote the book, and drew all the pictures, I helped edit, colour the pictures in and put it together. It’s not over-edited, it’s not pretending that it was written and illustrated by a professional, it’s real but it’s joyful.

I hope that this inspires more young writers to write, illustrate and make their book dreams become a reality! Because let’s face it, we always want more stories!

Coolicorns: Starting School is available in paperback, e-book and on Kindle Unlimited.

Lauryn and Olivia