blog, writing

Blogging Block 2021

Hello friends.

My friends at the Writer’s Hexagon have inspired me to work on my blogging, because as you know, it needs help!

We are talking about finding time to write and routines. I had this thought, well we found 10 mins of interrupted time today to write a prompt together, so surely we could find 10-15 mins to have a quick break and write something every day?

It’s taken me a long time, but right now I feel like I have a good writing routine that works for me. Somehow I’m still stuck on blogging. Really stuck. I want to do it, I like blogs, but my direction is muddling me. Like as soon as I opened this document and titled it “Blogs 2021” the idea that I had for the first blog post, which actually seemed pretty good, completely disappeared from my brain. Did I write it down? Of course not! So here I am now, writing about not knowing what to write about!

Maybe some of you guys might feel that way about writing, or about another project. Being stuck is very unmotivating!

But, my personal challenge for this month is to spend 10-15 mins a day writing a short barely edited blog post to put on my website. I know I didn’t begin at the start of the month, but we all need to start somewhere, and I’m ready to begin, I’m committed. So here I am writing about not knowing how to do this. I guess it is like what many writing sages say, the first part is showing up.

With Nanowrimo I found that the first week was a big effort to get my word count in, and then generally it was a bit easier. I am hoping it is the same for this.

But I’m here, and this is one down out of 25.

And guess what? Halfway through writing this, I remembered what I originally wanted to write about! But you guys will have to wait until tomorrow for that 🙂

Okay challenge, I feel like you are about to change my life.

x L