I’m surprised to say that even doing this for four days is making a difference to me.
In four days of showing up, I’ve learned quite a bit.
I’ve thought about problems in a new way, and solutions have come to problems I couldn’t even conceptualise. I am looking forward to seeing where we will be by the end of this month!
I’m trying to think about what other things I can challenge myself with.
Cleaning? Drinking 2L of water a day? I already know I can read a novel a day for a month. I know I can write 1700 words a day for a month and end up with a 50000 word novel draft. I can draw a picture a day for 30 days. What is next?
Is there something that you need to overcome?
Maybe all you need is a bit of practice?
I know there is a challenge I’m following right now which is all about decluttering and ridding your house of something, one a day for 30 days.
Maybe it’s not for you, but what if you did give a 30 day challenge a try? What if 30 days was all it took to solve that problem for you?
I’m not posting this today but I am writing this today on the third consecutive day of my personal challenge to write more blog posts.
So writing challenge, Here I am, I am showing up!
And I’m thankful. I’m thankful for the idea of the challenge, I’m thankful even though I feel so lost in writing blog posts and it seems impossible that anyone is ever going to read this, that I’m still here. I’m still typing. I’m thankful that I have seen another challenge through, and I know I can do something, even if it’s hard for 30 days.
I’m a bit of a quitter if I’m not feeling the right flow, so I’m thankful I’m hanging on!
Today I had an interesting ‘Thankfulness encounter’ or maybe ‘lack of thankfulness encounter’.
I know a girl who had a perfectly fun and wonderful night, who then completely dissolved because her brother got lollies where he was and she didn’t get lollies where she was.
The world was against her, the organisers were against her, everything was completely unfun and you couldn’t do anything to make her see the facts.
It made me think, how often do I do that? How often am I perfectly content with where I am in my creative life, until I see where someone else is at? Instead of abundance, the mindset is of lack, not enough, not good enough.
But the reality is that both situations are just different. And I’m sure we would not look down on someone who was earlier or in a different place in their creative journey than us. So why are we doing it to ourselves?
We think we might like the other “Grass is greener” situation better but if it came to swapping, we might find we aren’t quite ready for that sacrifice or that amount of hours, or work or we aren’t mentally there yet. But we will get there. One day we will be ready. One step at a time. No jumping up stairs, that always ends in tears and pain.
When I get stuck in a mindset of lack, I try to admit as soon as possible what the underlying emotion is. Am I jealous? Am I uncomfortable with change? Am I feeling lonely? Do I wish I was further down the creative road without paying the consequences?
Then the question, is feeling bad actually helping me be where I need to be? Is it serving me well?
And then I get to the business of thankfulness. Sometimes it’s only after a lot of thankfulness that my logical and reasonable brain overpowers the emotional one and I can see the facts.
I’m actually really happy for everyone on their creative journeys and I’m thankful for being me. My goals will be achieved at the right time for me. Being thankful really pays dividends.
My friends at the Writer’s Hexagon have inspired me to work on my blogging, because as you know, it needs help!
We are talking about finding time to write and routines. I had this thought, well we found 10 mins of interrupted time today to write a prompt together, so surely we could find 10-15 mins to have a quick break and write something every day?
It’s taken me a long time, but right now I feel like I have a good writing routine that works for me. Somehow I’m still stuck on blogging. Really stuck. I want to do it, I like blogs, but my direction is muddling me. Like as soon as I opened this document and titled it “Blogs 2021” the idea that I had for the first blog post, which actually seemed pretty good, completely disappeared from my brain. Did I write it down? Of course not! So here I am now, writing about not knowing what to write about!
Maybe some of you guys might feel that way about writing, or about another project. Being stuck is very unmotivating!
But, my personal challenge for this month is to spend 10-15 mins a day writing a short barely edited blog post to put on my website. I know I didn’t begin at the start of the month, but we all need to start somewhere, and I’m ready to begin, I’m committed. So here I am writing about not knowing how to do this. I guess it is like what many writing sages say, the first part is showing up.
With Nanowrimo I found that the first week was a big effort to get my word count in, and then generally it was a bit easier. I am hoping it is the same for this.
But I’m here, and this is one down out of 25.
And guess what? Halfway through writing this, I remembered what I originally wanted to write about! But you guys will have to wait until tomorrow for that 🙂
Okay challenge, I feel like you are about to change my life.
This year I am participating in NaNoWriMo and at Day 25 of the 30 Day challenge I feel inspired to put down some thoughts about what I’m learning for the first time, realising, or experiencing.
I can consistently write over 1000 words in an hour, and do it every day.
I can overcome, even on the days I really don’t feel like doing it, and can achieve my word count (1700).
I can catch up a day’s amount of words in a few days.
My brain is stepping up to the word count challenge and find creative ways to write new things when I feel stuck.
I can write two lots of 1700 words in a day, and not just be filling up the word count with fluff.
I can make up a plan and generally stick to it.
I can write a novel length story draft in a month.
It took me three weeks to get the most basic hang of writing in first person.
Reading non fiction, but related to the topic, gives me ideas.
My drafting is very basic, but I can live with it.
I’m not a naturally detailed writer.
I do enjoy writing. I’ve enjoyed writing every day.
I can overcome writers block, scene block or character and plot block.
The staring into space thinking during the day helps. Even if all I get is a rough idea to begin writing with.
Our emotions can distract us from writing. But I have been able to channel those days into writing the sad, tired, angry, upset parts of the story. I just have to get the feeling to a point where it’s not overwhelming me, so I can feel it, and write.
I’m surprised that I can actually do this. Yes really I’m surprised every day.
Having a support team makes such a difference. Having other people you know trying to write more than they have before helps a lot. Having people to talk about your story difficulties with, helps a lot. Celebrating your milestones helps a lot. Having a spouse who nags you to write, helps a lot.
Keep listening to yourself, if something is telling you it’s wrong, listen.
Don’t be afraid to put stuff in your book because you know it will be taken the wrong way. There is a reason why you added it, and it’s giving people an opportunity to discuss something they might not otherwise.
Writing a novel helps you uncover your thoughts, or beliefs.
Writing a story can be cathartic. You have the opportunity to put some of your experiences into words. Sometimes you don’t even have to resolve them or explain them neatly, the characters can be in the same place as you in these things.
I write best with a routine. Things I do first, things I do after, where I am, what I am writing on/with.
My grammar needs improvement.
I can write at night or during the day, but I need time to myself.
I can write a story and then have enough brain power to write a semi understandable blog post.
I am not brave enough to write my own novel while reading someone else’s romance or adventure novels. The books are sitting there waiting for the 1st of Dec.
I want to expand my vocabulary and my knowledge of body language.
Even something simple can be engaging.
I felt like a teenager who wanted to jump up and down and scream excitely when I got to 25000 words.
Sometimes you need the learning from the first try to be able to make it. This is my second attempt at NaNoWriMo and I was much better prepared for success.
You can do things every day.
Finishing things is awesome.
Hopefully I’ve got a few more things to learn in the next 5 days, but happy writing everyone, and don’t forget to celebrate what you have done, because you are one step closer to finishing your story than you were before!
I have to confess, I’m obsessed with note cards, or pass it on cards. There is something about those mini pictures and affirmations that just make me want to collect them and collect them all! They just fit into your palm so beautifully!
If there is anyone else out there who loves note cards then I hope this inspires you to use them in other ways.
If you aren’t currently obsessed with them, I hope this is a good introduction, and that when you are in the market for a new obsession, you will consider them.
1. PASS THEM ON As the note card/pass it on card name suggests they are great for passing to people as notes or with encouragements written on the back. Anything from a ‘Welcome home’, to an ‘I am with you’, ‘I love you’, ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘thank you’. Digital communication floods our lives, but how much more effective is a physical card in your hand with a sentence on the back to communicate care than reading that same sentence on messenger with an emoji , sticker or GIF?
Wow those around you by taking the time to write them something!
2. MAKE AN ART WALL Since they are little mini works of art or verse, they are ideal to use to decorate. Stick them in an interesting pattern on a boring wall that you need to bring a bit of life to, or stick them in a frame. Make them into magnets, or buy them as magnets and decorate your fridge. Put the art in a place that you are likely to face vulnerable thoughts e.g. work and use them as mini boosts for your heart. For example I have one art wall above my computer, for when things get discouraging, and my kitchen sink faces the back of my fridge…not a great sight for doing the dishes, and so I have one there to keep my gratitude high!
3. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY REMINDERS If you struggle to keep your spending or eating or something else in balance because of your emotions, then affirming pass it on cards are perfect to stick in your bag to focus on for when you need to calm down and breathe . They slot easily in next to your credit card (for example ‘I have all that I need’) to remind you to ask yourself, do I really need this purchase? Place a card of love near the food you are trying to medicate your emotions with, and take the card out and interact with it, instead of the chips or the chocolate.
I have all that I need
4. GAMES I wish I could take credit for this idea, but it was my friends’. Use the cards to play games, like matching pairs, go fish or bingo. Choose cards that are bright and that the kids will love, and you can affirm them and yourself while you play! Let your Light Shine, and JOY are good cards for this.
5. BOOKMARKS I call them ‘mini marks’ because they are mini and I like alliteration. Note cards are the perfect bookmark size, and if you choose one like ‘SHHHH! I’m reading!’ they double as do not disturb signs. I personally like ‘Rise! Be the hero of your own story!’ because I get annoyed when I have to put a book down. Seeing this card helps me to pause and remind myself why I’m alive, and to stop moaning in my head about not being able to read!
I hope this has given you a few different ideas on how to use note cards! If you have any more, get in touch on social media and let me know!